As far as natural disasters go, hailstorms are drivers’ worst nightmare because they can do a number on our cars. Hailstorms are no more common in the UAE than anywhere else in the world, but earlier this year one of them hit Al Ain and left a lot of drivers wishing they had hail damage insurance.
This option which is usually categorized in what is called ‘acts of god’ coverage is often included in comprehensive policies, but can also be specifically added to third-party liability insurance as well. In what follows from Lookinsure mag, we will tell you all you need to know about this option.
Frequently Answered Questions
1: What should I do immediately after hail damage occurs to my car?
The first thing you will need to do is contact your insurance agency and ask whether or not hail damage insurance is included in your policy and if it is, ask for guidance on how to file a claim for auto insurance hail damage.
2: What kind of insurance plans car insurance cover hail damage?
Comprehensive car insurance includes coverage for natural disasters such as hail storms. Certain providers offer add-ons for natural disaster coverage as well. Make sure to consult your insurance representative to find special offers for hail damage coverage.
3: Will filing a claim for hail damage increase my insurance premiums?
Filing a claim for hail damage can only increase your insurance if you were using an NCB (No Claim Bonus) discount, which will be nullified if you file a claim.
4: Does liability insurance cover hail damage?
No, third-party liability insurance only covers damages caused by your vehicle to third parties. So it does not cover damages caused by hail storms. Unless however, you buy natural disaster coverage as an add-on, which some companies offer on third-party liability insurance.
5: What kind of documentation do I need for a hail damage insurance claim?
The documentation needed for filing a hail damage insurance claim is the same as any other claim and includes: A copy of your insurance certificate, A copy of your driving license, A copy of the police report, Pictures of the damages
When Will Car Insurance Cover Hail Damage?
Auto insurance hail damage is included in most comprehensive policies and almost every driver with such an insurance plan may eventually file a hail damage auto insurance claim for the cost of the damages brought on by hailstorms and other natural disasters.
Here is a little snippet from a Reddit discussion about the Al Ain Hailstorm we mentioned above. The original poster’s (OP) brand-new vehicle was severely damaged and they were asking whether their insurance would cover it or not:

Moreover, on the same discussion thread citizens also shared notifications they had received from Dubai Police indicating that owners of damaged vehicles can apply for certificates that will guarantee coverage, regardless of the type of insurance policy. This led to an increased number of hail damage roof insurance claim applications.

Another Reddit user shares their experience about a similar incident that happened in 2017:

So bear in mind that this can be quite a time-consuming process and might involve a lot of going back and forth between agencies, which might turn the whole thing into an ordeal. So it is better to opt for the safer option which is buying a policy with hail damage insurance.
How To File Hail Damage Auto Insurance Claims
The process for filing a hail damage car insurance claim is similar to filing any other claim and involves taking the steps listed below:

Review Your Insurance Policy
The first thing you will need to do is find out whether hail damage insurance is included in your policy. To do so you can either check your insurance document or directly contact your agent. If you have a comprehensive policy, the chances are hail damage is covered, which will come in handy for cases like hail damage roof repair insurance claim.
Contact Your Insurance Company
Like in any other accident, you need to contact your insurance provider immediately, since claims must be filed within a specific period otherwise they will expire.
Submit a Formal Claim and Documents
Although it is necessary to contact your insurance agent immediately after such an accident, filing an actual claim cannot be done over the phone, as you are required to submit certain documents, which include:
- A copy of your insurance certificate
- A copy of your driving license
- A copy of the police report
- Pictures of the damages
How To Claim Auto Insurance Hail Damage
Receive the Claim Decision
After your claim is filed properly, you will need to wait for it to be processed. After that, if your claim is accepted, you can start getting your car fixed by following the steps below:
Schedule an Adjuster’s Inspection
After filing the claim along with the required documents, you can then go to an auto repair shop that is approved by your insurance company after setting an appointment.
Damage Assessment
The garage will then inspect your car and give you an estimate of the damages for which you will be reimbursed by your insurance provider after your claim is accepted. In most cases, the damage will lead to a hail damage roof repair insurance claim.
Complete Repair in Authorized Garage
After all that is done, you can then get your vehicle fixed. The cost of the damages will either be paid directly by the insurance company to the garage, or else you will pay the fees and then contact your insurance agency for reimbursement.
Natural Disaster Insurance Offers On Lookinsure
Auto insurance hail damage coverage is one of the least expected types of coverage in the UAE because of the desert weather. But recent events have proven that even the most unlikely scenarios are just a bad day away. So secure your natural disaster plan today. After all, what else is insurance about if not preparing for the worst?
Fortunately, here at Lookinsure, we have what it takes to address your concerns in the most convenient way possible. If you are thinking about changing your policy to one that offers hail damage insurance as well, all you need to do is visit our website and get a list of the best natural disaster coverage offers in under 2 minutes!
Insurance is all about readying for the worst. A lot of people might find hail damage insurance unnecessary, considering how uncommon hail storms are but believe me, the only people who weren’t crying the blues when a storm hit Abu Dhabi in early 2024 were those with natural disaster coverage.
Upgrading your policy to a comprehensive plan can cover damages from any natural disasters, including hail storms. It is a small price to pay for peace of mind. You can find the best deals on comprehensive insurance on our website